Small Nuclear Plant
Small Nuclear Plant is an Independent Power Producer (IPP) utilizing the top designs, mass manufacturing and implementation of small modular reactors (SMR) providing cutting edge, safe, clean and cost-effective energy.
Our modular reactors are designed to maximize space efficiency while remaining compliant with international standards.
In addition, our team of experts specializes in the research and development of applications across the energy industry
Our Mass Manufacturing and FACTORY CONSTRUCTION provides cost savings, reduced environmental impact and maximum efficiency.
Reactors are small enough to be shipped by truck, train or ship to lower end user costs.
Nuclear Energy is the FUTURE!!!
Energy Comparisons
The SMR market has been getting much attention over the last few years, to shorten the time to have SMRs up and running, we have been aggressively signing agreements with Governments/companies/municipalities that have projects already connected to the grid.
Cost Efficient
Small Nuclear Plant
Small reactors have been used for over 70 years in the US Navy in submarines and aircraft carriers for over 7100 combined accident free years. 130 MILLION miles have been sailed using nuclear power. We will be using basically the same proven systems (PWRs) in our SMRs. They will be underground for safety and security.
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Powerful Solutions
Our plants: Can be built in ~36 months Come in scalable 4, 8, and 12-module configurations Support multiple air and water-cooling options Generate 200 MegaWatts in as little as 10 acres Connect to existing transmission infrastructure Support island mode for off-grid operation Support staggered module refueling Are resilient to severe weather and cyber attacks Have a site boundary Emergency Planning Zone Can shut down and self-cool indefinitely Stand alone or into existing grids
Small Nuclear Plant
Small Nuclear Plant is a leading Independent Power Producer (IPP) utilizing numerous small modular reactors (SMR) that provide safe, clean, and cost-efficient energy solutions.. We specialize in research and applications of energy in regions/territories/industry with high energy costs.